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Jack Petchey Leader Award grant puts Christmas party in our sights

Jenny Bater-Sinclair - Company Director

Updated: Dec 5, 2023

It's time to party! Well almost (assuming #Lockdown is over and social distancing rules have calmed substantially). A Hip Hop Pop Christmas party is on the horizon! Thanks to Siobhan Hayden's Jack Petchey Leader Award and a successful grant application. Find out more, read on...

Jack Petchey Leader Award grant puts Christmas party in our sights

Back in December 2019 as a group we nominated Siobhan Hayden - Tutor and crew member for a Jack Petchey Foundation Leader Award.

Her application read: "Siobhan has a heart of gold, always giving her time to help others in the group. Not only has Siobhan grown into a fabulous dancer and worked her way up to tutor/leader status, but she is always the first to put herself forward to volunteer. Siobhan also does a lot more than just show up! She lives and breathes Hip Hop Pop and enjoys sharing her passion for dance with students of all ages. Siobhan will always go the extra mile not only in the way she physically leads but in the way she rewards the achievements of the students she teaches. Siobhan is a 'good-egg'"

The fantastic news came that she was successful in achieving the award, and we couldn't be more chuffed for her! As a Leader Award winner, in March this year, we were able to apply for a Jack Petchey Grant, seeking financial support to provide Hip Hop Pop members with a Christmas party that would be accessible for all young people.


Our application for a Jack Petchey Grant was successful!

Big thanks to the Jack Petchey Foundation for the grant of £750 towards a Christmas party accessible for all.

The grant coupled with additional fundraising from our side via a few of our sought after 'Quiz Nights' will hopefully top that grant up to around £1400 allowing us to put on a party-to-remember for our members that will be completely free to attend for young people thanks to the fund,

We hope to have sweet carts, popcorn machines, face painting, glitter tats, a live DJ, photo booth and much much more. Assuming, we're past the worst of the current pandemic, we will be partying around the 23rd December.

Thanks for reading, we can't wait for the party!

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See you soon

Stay Safe

Jenny - Bater-Sincliar

Director - Hip Hop Pop

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