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  • Jenny Bater-Sinclair - Company Director

Looking For 'Toddler Dance Classes Near Me'? Or 'Toddler Groups in Harlow'?

We've got you covered! Our Parent and child street dance class is the perfect introduction for your little one to get moving to music.

An introduction to street dance in a fun, engaging weekly class for you and your child, (for children aged 18 months to 3 years old). An incredible opportunity for you and your child to dance and spend quality time together, learn new skills, make fun memories, and meet other parents. All whilst building your child's coordination, motor, listening, balance, and team work skills too.

No experience is necessary, this is a fun, friendly, welcoming class for any parent and child to enjoy. Led by our super-fun and experienced tutor Siobhan, you'll be in great hands.

Tuesdays 10:15am - 11am

at The Harlow Playhouse Theatre

Book your FREE trial now...

Toddler Dance Classes Near Me

Or contact Victoria to ask a question about our parent and child group:


(Parking is available at the Harvey Centre Harlow)

Toddler Dance Classes Near Me

Why is this class not only great for your child, but for you too?

1. Dance improves your memory

It strengthens neuroplasticity -What does this mean? Dance encourages new neural connections to be made, meaning it keeps your memory functioning at its best!

Learning dance moves takes focus and activates the brain's hippocampus—the part of the brain that’s responsible for emotions and memory. Why is this such a big deal I hear you ask? Keeping the hippocampus engaged is key for preventing cognitive decline and diseases such as dementia, according to studies, by up to a whopping 76% (by comparison, reading reduces those diseases by up to 38%)

Dancing causes the brain to continually rewire its neural pathways, by doing so helps with neuroplasticity. Guess what, your Neuroplasticity doesn't discriminate against beginners and novices! Dance at any level strengthens our mental health, so get involved!

toddler group harlow

2. Dance activates the brain's reward centers

You can get those feel-good endorphins jumping with any heart-pumping activity, but dance (we recommend Street Dance of course), has a whole extra benefit: studies have shown that music and dance is primal, they naturally activate the reward centers in the brain. We all love to feel good right?

We all love to feel a sense of achievement, yes? Are you dancing yet...?

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3. Dance makes you more intelligent

Intelligence is essentially decision-making. What can you do to improve and exercise your intelligence? You can do activities that require rapid decision-making. Yep, you've guessed it, dance (street dance styles especially) is a type of fast-paced activity that requires fast decision-making. How do you mean did I hear you say? What about: Which way to step? What texture to use? What intention to apply? What count does that go on? Dancing is an awesome way to maintain and enhance your intelligence.

Again, it doesn't matter at what level you currently dance at - your brain is still required to make fast past decisions at all levels. Example: think about the globally recognised basic step or 'party-step-101' the 'two-step'. You still have to decide: what beat to hit, what way to face, what foot goes when, where your weight's transferred, what might you do with the rest of your body, how do you interact with the person next to you and more.

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4. Dance reduces stress and anxiety

Calming anxiety can be tough, yet calm can come from feel-good distractions such as dance. Plus, music can be a soothing addition too. So dance + music is a complete win-win! Dance can boost our mood, increasing levels of the production of the hormone serotonin, which is one that makes us feel great.

When we dance, tension releases rather than continuing to build, styles such as Street Dance, that we do here at Hip Hop Pop, are a great way to release that tension. Dance taps into the parasympathetic nervous system, which signals our rest and digest reflexes, when coupled with good breathing of course. Dancing and mental health work together like jam and cream on a scone, or is it cream and jam? That's a debate for another day!

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5. Dance increases your confidence

Here is our 5th and final reason for why dancing and mental health go together, and this one's our favourite!

Dance is a perfect example of how children (and adults alike) can learn how practice pays off. Through initial instruction, then encouragement to try themselves, it can lead to them seeing themselves as capable of accomplishing challenging things. A sense of accomplishment = increased confidence.

Learning a dance routine takes persistence and practice and the ability to learn from our mistakes. It's a place where we learn that continued hard work will equate to a real sense of accomplishment and progress, and the confidence to continue to try more challenges. Dancing and Mental Health move effortlessly together like Janet Jackson and her army in the Rhythm Nation music video!

parent groups near me

Come and give our parent and child class a try!

parent child dance class harlow

Don't live in Harlow? Have an older child?

Still want to join us? Of course you can! Students come from all over Hertfordshire, Essex and London, places such as: Epping, Loughton, Theydon, Debden, Buckhurst Hill, Roydon, Sawbridgeworth, Harlow, Stansted, Dunmow, Stevenage, Chelmsford and more! Your postcode doesn't matter to us! Time tables are available here:

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