I'm proud that Hip Hop Pop has always had zero tolerance for bullying, yet during anti-bullying week 2020 UK, we wanted to take things a step further forward and recruit young members to become anti-bullying ambassadors leading the mission to continue to prevent bullying at Hip Hop Pop.
Read to the bottom to see a video from the anti-bullying ambassadors themselves
45 youngsters, aged 6 to 16, came online to discuss how they could play their part. Here's a screenshot of them all 'raising their hands' to show their commitment to the mission at the end of the session, just before they officially became anti-bullying ambassadors!

During the session the 45 youngsters who volunteered their time, discussed many important points on the subject of bullying with me (Hip Hop Pop Director); What is bullying, in what forms can bullying manifest, how does it make a victim feel, what can we do to help someone who's been bullied? The students interacted with their ideas and answers to the discussion points by using the Zoom chat feature and the poll questions feature, as well as by raising their hands and speaking to the group.
The session then moved on to looking in more detail at Hip Hop Pop's mission against bullying, all participants put in their ideas of what our mission statement should be. I then selected 2 that I thought summed up our company values as well as met our objective here for preventing bullying, of those two the students voted on their favourite. So our new mission statement, as created by the students in the quest to prevent bullying is:
"Our mission is to make Hip Hop Pop a place where everyone feels happy, safe and like they fit in"
In addition to the mission statement, the group brain-stormed and agreed upon 5 main actions they would take as ambassadors to make sure the mission was being delivered. Those 5 actions are:
1 - Smile
2 - Make sure everyone feels included
3 - Encourage each other
4 - Check-In with each other
5 - Be approachable
We then recorded all participants raising their arm in an affirmative action indicating their commitment to the mission and the action points and therefore establishing them as anti-bullying ambassadors for Hip Hop Pop. The ambassadors will proudly wear custom badges​ with the anti-bullying ambassador design, which we created at Sticker Mule at classes whilst they uphold the missions' values.*
I'm so proud of all the ambassadors, of how involved in the session they were and how passionate they were about anti-bullying week 2020 UK and the bigger picture of how they can help make sure Hip Hop Pop remains a happy and safe place for people to be.
Here's a video of some of those ambassadors:
Thanks for reading, we can all play our part in preventing bullying in school, in the community and in the work place. For more information and support on the subject in general visit: https://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/

Jenny Bater-Sinclair
Director - Hip Hop Pop
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